Private Baby Scans
in Kilmarnock
07598 869833
Our Scans
2D Scans
Available from early pregnancy to full term
These black and white images really show how well your baby is growing and gives you the classic profile picture!
From 15 weeks, we can also reveal your baby’s gender
3D & 4D Scans
With the latest technology, including HD Live, these scans can capture a very realistic 3D picture of your little one’s face.
When your baby is in a good position, 4D video clips can be amazing! Sometimes we are lucky enough to witness baby’s yawning, smiling and blinking!
I believe that a baby scan is one of the most treasured moments. It is something that shouldn’t be rushed, and you can capture memories that can be cherished forever.
- Gillian
From the beginning we have always planned on being more than just a private baby scanning studio. We want to become an information hub for anything you might want to know about Pregnancy, Babies & Young Children
Currently Available Workshops:
Daisy Baby & Young Child First Aid
If there is any topic in particular you would like us to offer a workshop on, please contact us and let us know!