3D Scan Package
This is such a special experience at Babyscan.me! It’s the perfect time to bring your family along to see baby – we get so many messages from proud parents saying they can’t believe how much the baby looks like their 3D scans.
We used the latest HD Live / 5D technology as standard - no hidden charges here!
The best time to come for this scan is 28-31 weeks, but don’t worry… anything from 26 weeks is still good & we will always try and get amazing pictures at 32 weeks and beyond. After 32 weeks, it can be difficult to move the baby into a good position if they’re not posing, so we don’t recommend coming after this period but we’re always happy to try.
Don’t worry if your baby is in a breech position or your placenta is positioned at the front – we will always get our best possible pictures for you regardless of any obstacles!
We always include growth measurements & can tell you roughly what baby’s current weight is. We’re even pretty good at having a guess at what baby might weigh when they’re born!
Double checking the baby’s gender (if requested), and assessment of the amniotic fluid & umbilical cord is also included.
2 x printed 3D photographs (5 x 7”) are included, along with your regular black & white 2D pictures. You can add on any extras at the time of the scan; options include extra glossy photos, our USB, heartbeat teddies etc.