Early Pregnancy Scan
This scan is carried out from 8 weeks gestation in the ‘2D’ black & white imaging, and at this point your little one is really starting to resemble a baby shape – it’s amazing to see the difference in size between the ‘Early Viability Scan’ and now!
At this stage your baby is around the size of a grape, which is still so small but the reassurance you get really helps put your mind at ease as the heartbeat should be nice and clear at this point.
If you haven’t had an earlier scan, we can also give you more of an idea of how many weeks you are. Working dates out from your period is a good estimate until your first scan, which is much more accurate.
How many of you have had someone joke that “it might be twins”!!! At this stage we can confirm if there is just one little person in there… or any little pals too!
Everyone gets to take some pictures home to show your friends & family.